Energy conscious

· 1 min read
Energy conscious

Let's be conscious about energy. After we move away from centralized finance, energy is the next lever of control of the central planners. While it's good to participate in division of labor, we are quite dependent on state monopolized and hierarchical energy grids. We might find ourselves in a situation, when energy is only for companies that pass some ESG certification and it can become part of the emerging social credit scores.

Traveling too much without an approval? Maybe your CBDC wallet won't work at the gas station anymore. Sorry, no plane ticket to Bali. And turn up the temperature on your AC. Energy (for transportation and powering electrical devices) can be controlled centrally both through the financial system and through the distribution grid that is often monopolized, centrally controlled and sometimes government owned.

It's not too hard to upgrade our thinking. Be conscious of your energy usage. If it heats up, it probably uses a lot. If it moves or spins, it's medium. Understand your usage. Connect cheap power meters to outlets to understand what is going on. Optimize when it makes sense.

Solar power is widely accessible, although also quite visible. It won't heat up your home during winter in mild climates, but it will probably cool your home during summers. Learn about batteries. LifePo4 are good for solar. You can put it also on a car. There's also wind and hydro energy.

It does not mean you need to switch. Energy is abundant and cheap and makes many things - including climate change - more bearable. Energy and money allow us to adapt to change.

The dark forest, if it's secluded physically from the mainstream society needs an energy source. Don't count on the grid to work.