True art

· 1 min read
True art

You can rarely experience true art, one that is interesting, beautiful and is not a manifestation of some woke trauma. Artists, especially in Europe tackle "social issues", mainly because that's where public institutions money are poured to.

The artist trauma is disproportionate, academic and mostly out of touch with reality.

This is not a rant against mainstream art, which is usually based on capitalism and real demand. Mainstream art is simple - sing alongs, pretty pictures, shallow stories. Hollywood movies capture and merge this aesthetic into a few hour blocks, streamed through corporate streaming networks or served with popcorn and Coca Cola in 15D ultrahyperdolbysuperscreen cinemas. Commercial main stream art is more honest than woke trauma art. It is a product that fulfills real needs.

This fact is absolutely hated by the woke art establishment. They despise art that is not approved by them, but is financed by market forces and demand. They want to be gatekeepers, choosing narratives, approved artists. They want to mold the art hierarchy to their liking.

Niche art that is sophisticated, yet not based on academic curators approving grant money can be seen in places where art had not been infected with woke socialism and propaganda. In or near hipster cafeterias and meeting places in Asia. In private residencies and secret events.

Or manifesting as parallel (second) culture... in the dark forest.