Forget the Pyramids, Embrace the Forest

· 1 min read
Forget the Pyramids, Embrace the Forest

Complicated organizational structures are familiar, a maze inside of pyramids, where inefficiencies can easily hide. They offer the allure of concentrated focus on specific problems and the safety of pooled capital to mitigate your risk by drowning it in a sea of other people's money.

Yet, this very risk reduction often dilutes personal investment - the skin in the game - leading to a scattered focus. Moreover, corralling diverse visions under one roof inevitably brews disagreements and drama.

But for most endeavors, such labyrinthine structures are unnecessary. Just as a barista effortlessly brews your coffee, so can you access or provide a myriad of services - from dispute resolution to security, commercial real estate to insurance.

Lunarpunk offers a better way: a network of independent contractors, each a specialist in their own field. Risk mitigation can happen through hedging or crowdfunding, outcome-linked financing, all while respecting individual contracts and diverse needs.

The creation of superfluous structures, voting systems, committees, and boards often drains more energy than it generates value. Be your own boss, build your own network, and leverage the market for all its worth.

The mantra is simple: Be yourself, forge your path. Contract with others when needed. Let the specialised market providers handle things you are not good at, such as risk dispersion and fund pooling.

**In the dark forest, you don't need a chain of command, voting, and endless discussions. Break the pyramid, grow horizontally through the forest - like mycelium.