Cleaning our minds

· 1 min read
Cleaning our minds

Chongqing, ever heard of it? Likely not, yet it's a sprawling urban jungle, teeming with over ten million souls. The city's mayor? A distant figure, irrelevant in the grand scheme.

This is the perspective we must adopt towards governments: distant entities, unlikely to tread into our dark forest, their impact merely peripheral.

In our dark forest, self-preservation is key, risk management paramount. Yet the true quest is a cleansing of the mind.

Our focus should be on creation, production, community, betterment of ourselves. Shun the trivial battles, the political charades, the electoral spectacles. Prepare to sever ties with the old world's time-wasting rituals such as political debates and elections, to leave its antiquated ways in the bronze age. In the dark forest, we forge our own path, untethered and free.