Something’s in the air.

· 1 min read
Something’s in the air.

Something’s in the air.

Speaking to common self-employed folk, the kindergarten owner/guide, the plumber, the wall painter… they can feel it. If you talk to them, they realize something is not right. They have their hand on the pulse of the economy. They get it.

They also live in the dark forest. They do peer to peer, cash to pocket transactions. They have it in their power to protect themselves.

Most of them have heard about Bitcoin. Most of them either have it already or want to get paid in it. Some of them prefer gold, which is OK.

If you live in the dark forest, you get it, you want to escape the declining world and be part of the ascending world. You naturally gravitate towards Bitcoin, towards unschooling, towards liberty, towards creativity and peer to peer relationships. You go where you are treated best, but it often does not mean changing a country or moving - you can change your jurisdiction by opting out of some economic interactions - and opting into the dark forest interactions.

No need to talk to common employee in the coffee shop to try to convince their boss to accept Bitcoin. Talk to the producers and owners directly, interact with people who are not part of a corporation. They know something’s in the air already. They don’t have to go all-in, but they want to have their plan ₿⚡️